
Monday, May 2, 2011

Maifest and Jerk Chicken!

Yesterday was May 1st, day of labour and holiday in Germany.
Especially in the cities Berlin and Hamburg on this day there are a lot of riots between punks and police going on at night. Flying stones, burning cars, fights, teargas...everywhere.
But a couple of years ago some people decided to start a counter movement called "Maifest".
Someone even sold cookie monster muffins there!
Therefore stages are set up in Berlin Kreuzberg, the centre of the riots, where different bands and djs perform and along the streets people sell all kinds of street food and drinks.

From kids, families and Turkish mamas to Chinese, Africans, Mexicans, caipirinha, beer, wine, orange juice, vegan, meat, cake, ayuveda, organic, meatballs can find anyone and anything here!

Everyone is happy and acting peaceful.
No matter if families or mums with prams, punks, ravers, metalheads, hipsters or turkish hiphop and beakdancers.
It's a big celebration, at least as long as the sun isn't setting.

As soon as it gets dark I would highly recommend to leave this place.
The best indication is when the stands start packing up hectically or when the special police squads put on their helmets and start grouping  and running around...
Well in the last case it might already be too late.
You can smell and see the smoke from far away.

However, I mainly come there for the food and the atmosphere.
My favorite stand is the one with the jerk chicken of carribean soul food restaurant Ya-Man.
Each year they sell chicken legs that they smoke in their converted metal drums.

Tonight we will eat the leftovers from yesterdays chicken...
I'm already hungry.


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